Sunday, April 25, 2010

I got us.

You know what happens when I stay late...

Monday, November 30, 2009

Sometimes walking away from the best thing that'll ever happen to you and not listening to the people who love you will turn up desirable results.

Relationship are hard when the honey moons over, but I truly believe that this a period in is what makes or breaks it. During this period of time you have to be very selfish. For most being selfish is easier than other but, the reason I say this is because if you fail to follow this protocol you end up being the one that's hurt from the possible results of exchange. Sharing a life and love with another person takes a truly high level of bravery, honesty, and fortitude. Forever is a long time, you don't want to waste that with someone who doesn't feel the same way.

That's that.

You always said we'd talk tomorrow.
I said tomorrow's too late.

I asked you not to walk away,
because my heart, it would break.

You did it anyways, yes regardless of me.

Now, you tell me that you needs me.
You promise you will never leave me.
But it took for you to never see me to believe.

These girls they're so normal, they're all thinking is same.
Idolize, fantasize, of money, fashion, and fame.
Take for granted what they have, don't believe in their brain.
Then they wake up with themselves, or next to someone that's lame.

Please just stop crying, you're just making me laugh.
Please just stop talking, of what we had in the past.

Yeah, you had my heart, now I'm taking it back.
I'm the best you ever have.
Fuck you, and that's that.

Friday, November 20, 2009


The last time I blogged, I admit after reading it it was fairly strange. I'm going to go ahead and stop that train at this station. The awesome part about having a blog that's unknown is that you can say anything that you want. What do I want from my blog? I want to speak, I want to say what I want, when I want, how ever I want to say it, wear anything I want to wear as long as it's in the confines and privacy of my own facilities. Every post will be a different rents (vents and rants). My trails and tribulations, of being an boy becoming a man and realizing it's not what Full House said it was cracked up to be. Danny Tanner, you asshole. I want to find himself. Finding himself with other people. Then frantically losing other people to find himself somewhere else. My blog is about my life, what I believe in. I'm writing to myself so I can understand, what I'm thinking why I am thinking it, and what I need to change. We all grow up learning that there are a lot of things that we need to learn and know to be a functioning robot in today's society based on yesterdays rules. We're never taught to learn who we are, why we are, and who we individually should want to be. P.S. I'm not high.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

If I was sick it would be now.

Stop the dreams. I couldn't if I wanted to. Sleeps not easy but it's inevitable. Are you sick, sad, do you loose the days into the weeks and weeks into the month? Depressing thoughts don't depress you? Love's just a word you can't feel. Private thoughts flood your mind leaving you a float in the dreary weakness of the soul. Are you driving a car with passengers with intent, never letting them know you never intended to reach their intended destination.

I'm going home. You fucking little bitch. California Pizza Kitchen it for pussies and I can't afford to leave my shoes untied in the afternoon.

FUCK The What.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

“When it comes to being true, “atleast” true to me….”

“When it comes to being true, “atleast” true to me….”

I’m back bitches (I mean bitches in the nicest way possible). Please except my apologies for vacating for such and extended period. That goes out to all 4 of my readers. If you do read my BLOG… Fuck YOU!!!

Today’s rant will be on the subject trust.

Who can we trust? You can trust people to do what they do and anyone that you can’t anticipate can’t be trusted due to volatility purposes.

Nice little chat friends. I'll holler at you latter I got to go make awesome happen.

Friday, June 27, 2008

You can't be serious...

If you left it up to me
Everyday would be
A holiday from real
We'd waste our weeks
Beneath the sun
We'd lie and tell our friends
It's so much fun out here
But when it's all over
I'll come back for another year

"Holiday From Real" - Jack's Mannequin

Before the sun comes up and after the night is over, is the perfect time to awaken... The crisp air gives your body a renewed chill that fills your lungs with life. Clear skies with stars putting on a private show just for you and the few obligated to begin or end their day early or late. The few conscious enough to notice and appreciate reliability. Slowly the glisten of the stars are over shadowed by the strength of a closer relative eager to arrive, but just as eager to leave. All the senses are bombarded acutely; sight, sounds, taste, smell, and feeling.

Where I'm at;
The ocean goes forever, as the symphony of the waves keep me entertained. My feet sink into the purest form of earth. With every breathe I taste in, I exhale the life given to me understandingly.

Where are you now???

It's Friday, I'm felling a little bit introspective today. Sometimes we don't have time to feel what we really feel, the reasons are endless. Livestrong

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What's better than money. note (there's no ? at the end of that statement)

What does it take to be happy? Happiness is an emotion, emotions are controlled by your brain. When you're angry, sad, or happy. Those are all emotions that are triggered by your brain. Though there are circumstances of nature and nurture, that differentiate people mentally and emotionally. Your feelings and action are still your own. You're brain is what tells your body what to do, whether it's a physical gestures, or worse verbal assaults. Some people are more able in controlling their emotions than others. It's only natural to assume that the people who can't control their anger, are weak minded. So the next time you get mad ask yourself. Am I weak minded? More than likely you'll answer no I am not and deal with situations rationally.

Now about the MONEY. Money isn't real, it means nothing. If we can't treat each other well when we have nothing, what makes anyone think that if they were materialistically wealthy, it would change a thing. "EVERY THING'S RELATIVE" ( is one of my favorite quotes/lessons) a poor asshole is just as big of an asshole as a big one. A generous person is a generous person in good times and bad.

Some other insightful quotes, from a rapper, financier, Motivational Speaker, and me. ( You decide the order)
"Nothing has meaning, except the meaning you give it."
"I make money, money doesn't make me."
"I'm really into, midget Mexican wrestling".
"Even if this business didn't make money, I would still be doing it, it's what I love."

End Note.
We're all just trying to figure out who we are. We find and lose ourselves with every day. Keeping in mind that all experiences good and bad, have a lesson to be learned. Our morals and beliefs have long been instilled into our foundation, time has a tendency to build over. If we just take the time to remember where we came from. Where we're going, would be where we're at, and where we intended to be.